Hajj News and Updates

22nd October 2024

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‘Guests of the king’: Saudi Arabia sponsors Hajj trip for 60 Pakistanis. Brilliant and Outstanding from Saudi King Salman, Deserve to be applauded.

Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah cancels licenses of five companies, refers them to authorities.

Eid ul Adha will be celebrated on 29 June 2023 (Thursday) across the country.

Saudi Arabia issues warning about Hajj, Umrah online scams, fake websites.

Pakistan Hajj mission supervises food arrangement for pilgrims through 13 catering companies.

Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Talha Mahmood visited the Main Control Office of the Pakistan Hajj Mission at Makkah to review Hajj arrangements and address potential challenges.

This Pakistani man beat all the obstacles and got to do what he’s always wanted – do the Hajj.  

I can’t explain what I’m feeling right now, and all I can see is the Kaaba.

Saudi Arabia: 1.5 million overseas pilgrims arrive to perform Hajj.

Day of Arafat 2023 on June 27, 2023

Inflation and economic crises strain pilgrims in this year’s Hajj, putting it out of reach for some.

Extremely Hot Weather Expected During Hajj 2023.

Hajj cost drops 39% for 1.4m pilgrims outside Kingdom, says Saudi minister.

Saudi Arabia testing AI-powered self-driving electric buses for Hajj pilgrims

For the first time, Saudi Arabia’s Transport General Authority (TGA) will pilot autonomous electric buses to transport Hajj pilgrims as part of its efforts to provide modern transportation solutions that are sustainable and eco-friendly.

The Self-Driving Electric Buses for Hajj Pilgrims (SDRB) are part of the Transport General Authority’s (TGA) efforts to provide modern and innovative transportation solutions to make Hajj easier for pilgrims visiting the Holy Mosque. Each bus accommodates 11 seats, operates for 6 hours per charge, and can reach speeds of up to 30kmph.

Hajj cost drops 39% for 1.4m pilgrims outside Kingdom, says Saudi minister.

Tips For Muslims Who Have Been to Hajj

Number-01 Have Extra Copies of Important documents

Make extra copies of all your documents as they may be lost. It is always best to have extra copies in various places during the Hajj, such as in your luggage or with you. This way, if you do lose one of the documents, you will always have a backup. On your mobile phone, keep a copy of the Hajj permit as well as a copy of the passport. I keep a copy of my passport on my phone at all times, in case it is lost, stolen, or misplaced.

Number-02 Check for obligatory vaccinations & restrictions

According to Saudi officials, Covid vaccinations are no longer required and there are no vaccine requirements for this year. However, the Flu vaccine and the meningitis vaccine are still required. Whether they will check these is another matter, but they’ve been requested by many travelers. Make copies of these, print them out, and keep them on your phone. I always kept them on my phone for the years the certificates for require me to enter Saudi.

Number-03 Walking Practise in advance

Basically, everyone said you need to walk at least 10K steps a day. A lot of people said they walked up to 30K steps a day during Hajj, so it’s definitely a good idea to get started right away if you’re planning to go. Most people don’t think about walking up to 20 miles during Hajj, and they begin their journey without thinking about their physical condition.

Exercising before your Hajj is a must. Not only will it help you fulfill your religious duties and reduce your physical fatigue, but it will also help you enjoy your Hajj more. Since you have other things to deal with, such as the heat and not being able to carry water constantly, you will be able to enjoy your Hajj without being exhausted.

You can start walking a few months in advance, but you can also enroll in classes such as Pilates, or Zumba, or other cardio classes to help you out. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, you can do them in the comfort of your own home with YouTube videos.

Number-04 Must have things for a comfortable stay

Depending on your package, you’ll get items such as men’s ihram, bedding and pillows in Mina camp. However, if you’re looking for a more comfortable experience, bring items that also help you feel comfortable.

Since you will be fatigued and hot, it is important to wear clothes that are breathable whether you are a man or a woman. Avoid polyester abaya or thobes. Choose a cotton abaya. If you are comfortable, opt for light colours. As Hajj 2023 is during the summer months, you will need to be comfortable. We also recommend bringing shoes that are comfortable. Crocks are a great option.

Some said to bring adaptors, extension cords, and to make a mini amenity kit to have everything in your Mina stay. Hijabs that are made of one-piece fabric can provide women’s with peace of mind as they remain in place and cover the hair. Additionally, items such as extra sheets, travel pillow and camping mattress, which are lightweight and easy to carry, can also be considered for the duration of an Umrah or Hajj stay.

Number-05 Know that toilet facilities are limited

You’ll be sharing toilets with other campers, so you’ll need to be aware of that. Some people suggest bringing a bottle to clean yourself, but you can get one of those Amazon spray bidets or a regular bottle. You might also want to bring a belt or something so your abaya doesn’t get wet.

Some people said they didn’t have hooks on their doors, so they had to take a hook with them to keep their abaya in. I thought that was really cool!

Number-06 Your VIP Package is not 5 star service

I think that’s something that pretty much everyone I talked to said to me. “Don’t set your expectations too high, even if you’ve got a VIP package that you’ve paid thousands for.” Don’t think that you’re going to get “5-star service” and “easy.” If you want to avoid disappointment, you’ll have to set your expectations low.

Don’t be surprised if you’re tested with the one thing you hate the most. After all, Hajj isn’t a vacation. It’s a religious ceremony and an Islamic duty that, if done correctly, will absolve you of all sins. Don’t expect it to be easy, though; it’s more like climbing a mountain under the hot sun.

Allah will test your patience with what you don’t like the most, as at the end of it, the reward is worth it. 

Number-07 Make a list of all your Duas

Before your journey on your Hajj, prepare a checklist of all your Dua’s. After all, the Hajj is more of a religious journey than any other. Sometimes we get down in the rituals of the Hajj or what to pack. But this is your opportunity to ask for whatever you want.

Of course, you can include the dua from the books, but you can also include your own personal dua. You can also ask your family and friends which dua they would like. You will get the reward as well Inn Sha Allah.

Have a Good Journey to Hajj.

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